Saturday, July 3, 2021

July 3, 2021

The Last Day!

The RA closed out with a video about our NEA Leadership.  Virginia's own Princess Moss is the NEA Vice President and is featured in the video (click HERE)!  

During the VEA Caucus, we heard from the Resolutions Committee and the Issues Committee.  After business, we had a bit of fun voting on a motion to send Chuck to Florida for vacation!  Check out the pictures of delegates showing District & Local pride as well as some furry guests!

Sandy Sullivan was 'swagged out' today and was unofficially named the most festive delegate!

At the close of the VEA Caucus, there were several points of personal privilege.  Phillip Hawkins & Denise Davis announced their candidacy for local government offices.  They will certainly be friends of education and we hope all VEA members will help support them in their journey.  Tracey Mercier was not in attendance, but is also running for a local office.  Four individuals declared their candidacy for statewide VEA offices.  They are listed below.  The * indicates that the person is running for re-election.  
      • VEA President: Dr. James Fedderman*
      • VEA Vice President:  Kimberly Adams and Carol Bauer*
      • NEA Director (one seat is available):  Christina Bohringer*
We remembered and honored VEA Retired Member, Pat Kennedy.

  • Many NBIs were referred to committee today.  This allows the NBIs to move forward and not risk the possibility of 'falling to the floor'.  You can keep up with NBIs here.  To see all of the speeches and remarks from this year's RA click HERE.
Top 10 Benefits of a Virtual RA!

As we reflect on this first ever virtual RA, we asked delegates to share their favorite things about the virtual platform.  Perhaps some of these items could be implemented in person as well? 🤔
  1. Ease of voting and instantly seeing the results of a vote on screen.
  2. Having the results of a vote given as a percentage - no guessing and no roll call votes!
  3. Pictures of delegates with their state highlighted on screen while they are speaking.
  4. Easy access to information or a person with answers through the 'World of Information' or technical support button.
  5. Participating from the comfort of home - we were able to enjoy meals with family, wear comfy clothes, and take a nap during break.
  6. Being able to run errands in between business sessions.
  7. Speed of business and the engagement level of delegates.
  8. Later start times - an 11 AM caucus sure beats a 7 AM caucus!
  9. No bus ride from the hotel to convention center.  That makes being on time for business sessions so much easier!
  10. Glimpses into fellow delegates' lives and meeting their family - human & animal - making connections we may not have made otherwise.