Thursday, July 6, 2017

July 6, 2017

Goodbye, Boston. We loved you and all you had to offer.

But we are ready to go home and soar as we organize around civil rights, educational needs and the general well-being of every student.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

July 5, 2017

We made the PAC Goal, so special visitors attended!

Delegates speaking on NBIs during the VEA Delegation breakfast meeting

Morning Caucus on the last day. Every morning they began at 8:30.
The last day of the RA Delegates announced their intent to run for office.

Carol Medawar announces for NEA Director

Charlotte Hayer announces for NEA Director.

David Kinsella announces for NEA Director.

Jim Livingston and James Fedderman announce for VEA President and Vice-President.

The 2017 Issues Committee - the largest ever.

July 4, 2017

Group picture of the VEA Delegation on the floor.

We worked until 7 p.m. on July 4, BUT we also found time for fun as we held a Hysterical/Historical Contest.
Winner of the Hysterical contest

Hysterical contest entrants
Bill Bono poses with Historical Contest Winner, Carol Bauer
On the floor took on new meaning with these three Delegates

Monday, July 3, 2017

July 3, 2017

Tim Redman, NEA Mid-Atlantic Regional Director
George Sheridan - NEA Executive Committee

Becky Pringle appeals to the VEA for her re-election
Princess Moss enthuses the VEA Delegation with her love for education.
The Bubble Gum Caucus was on the floor.

July 2, 2017

Rae Nwosu - Candidate for Executive Committee

Jeannette Griffin-Kimber - Candidate for ESP at Large.

VEA's special guest

Below are NEA opening day pictures contributed by Precious Crabtree
Campaigning for our own Princess Moss as she runs for her second term as secretary treasurer of the NEA

The Greater Boston Firefighters Pipes and Drums

This young poet from Maryland delivered a heartfelt poem that spoke to every educator's heart.

The delegates are anxious to begin

Ready to begin work

District I representatives Kristina Childress, Connie Finney and Dorothy Carter

Please re-elect Princess Moss

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Delegation Saturday July 1, 2017

Lily Eskelson Garcia, NEA President inspired us as she reminded us why we teach.

Angela Dews (above), senior member, and the other members of the Resolution Committee (below), Miles Carey, Chuck Ronco, and Gwen Edwards, reporting to the VEA Caucus.

Precious Crabtree, Junior NEA Director, collects change for PAC.

Friday, June 30, 2017

Convention Survival Bags

Great group this afternoon worked on putting together the Convention Survival Bags; they are full of yummy treats! Congrats to everyone who got one at the auction.