Sunday, July 4, 2021

The Work Continues

Although RA is over, the work continues.  NEA Leadership & Staff have plenty of work ahead of them as they implement the Strategic Plan and New Business Items approved by delegates.  Many NBIs were referred to committees so the committees will need to get to work as well!

One piece of work that is already underway is the NEA Task Force on the Future of Assessments.  This Task Force is co-chaired by NEA Vice President Princess Moss.  The work will "inform and challenge student assessment to be everything it should be: student-centered, meaningful, and equitable".  Throughout RA, delegates received text messages asking for input on the Draft Principles for the Future of Assessments (click HERE to check them out).  Delegates are also asked to respond to a survey with feedback by Wednesday, July 7.

Remember to keep a lookout in your email for the RA Today publications.  These have all of the information you need from RA to stay up to date.  Click HERE for yesterday's issue.

Finally, a special THANK YOU to all delegates!  Keep up the good work!

Saturday, July 3, 2021

July 3, 2021

The Last Day!

The RA closed out with a video about our NEA Leadership.  Virginia's own Princess Moss is the NEA Vice President and is featured in the video (click HERE)!  

During the VEA Caucus, we heard from the Resolutions Committee and the Issues Committee.  After business, we had a bit of fun voting on a motion to send Chuck to Florida for vacation!  Check out the pictures of delegates showing District & Local pride as well as some furry guests!

Sandy Sullivan was 'swagged out' today and was unofficially named the most festive delegate!

At the close of the VEA Caucus, there were several points of personal privilege.  Phillip Hawkins & Denise Davis announced their candidacy for local government offices.  They will certainly be friends of education and we hope all VEA members will help support them in their journey.  Tracey Mercier was not in attendance, but is also running for a local office.  Four individuals declared their candidacy for statewide VEA offices.  They are listed below.  The * indicates that the person is running for re-election.  
      • VEA President: Dr. James Fedderman*
      • VEA Vice President:  Kimberly Adams and Carol Bauer*
      • NEA Director (one seat is available):  Christina Bohringer*
We remembered and honored VEA Retired Member, Pat Kennedy.

  • Many NBIs were referred to committee today.  This allows the NBIs to move forward and not risk the possibility of 'falling to the floor'.  You can keep up with NBIs here.  To see all of the speeches and remarks from this year's RA click HERE.
Top 10 Benefits of a Virtual RA!

As we reflect on this first ever virtual RA, we asked delegates to share their favorite things about the virtual platform.  Perhaps some of these items could be implemented in person as well? 🤔
  1. Ease of voting and instantly seeing the results of a vote on screen.
  2. Having the results of a vote given as a percentage - no guessing and no roll call votes!
  3. Pictures of delegates with their state highlighted on screen while they are speaking.
  4. Easy access to information or a person with answers through the 'World of Information' or technical support button.
  5. Participating from the comfort of home - we were able to enjoy meals with family, wear comfy clothes, and take a nap during break.
  6. Being able to run errands in between business sessions.
  7. Speed of business and the engagement level of delegates.
  8. Later start times - an 11 AM caucus sure beats a 7 AM caucus!
  9. No bus ride from the hotel to convention center.  That makes being on time for business sessions so much easier!
  10. Glimpses into fellow delegates' lives and meeting their family - human & animal - making connections we may not have made otherwise.

Friday, July 2, 2021

July 2, 2021

 Day Three!

Have you donated to the NEA Fund for Children & Public Education yet?  Remember your donations help elect friends of education!  

VEA's 2021 ESP of the Year, Brandi Wilder, gave us her why today:

Here are some of the reasons I donate to PAC. My family! From my own child to his half brothers to my nephews and nieces and cousins kids! I do it for the ALL the kids in my life! Yes that means my bus kids as well!

A few highlights: 

  • During the VEA Caucus, we heard from the Legislative Committee, the Resolution Committee, and the Issues Committee.  Check out the VEA File Box for our adopted positions.  Our positions are also posted on the Facebook Page when the item is up for debate on the floor.
  • Today we heard from POTUS & FLOTUS, the Secretary of Education, the 2021 National Teacher of the Year, and the 2021 Friend of Education.  Most of our business sessions were focused on the legislative agenda and NBIs.  You can keep up with NBIs here.

  • To see all of the speeches and remarks from this year's RA click HERE.
Your Blog Team's Top 3 Things from today:
1.) Special guests Dr. Jill Biden & Joe Biden!  Dr. Jill Biden is a Union Sister and NEA Member!  It was an honor to have POTUS with us, but Dr. Jill Biden was the highlight for us!  If you missed their visit, click HERE.  This was also streamed on Facebook live.  President Joe Biden applauded educators for the work we do and spoke of not returning to 'normal' after a pandemic, but building upwards and investments for students and educators.
2.) 2021 Friend of Education! Disability rights activist Judith Heumann is the recipient of the NEA's highest honor, the Friend of Ed Award.  Her story is inspiring as she fought for her own education and now advocates for the rights of individuals with disabilities.  See her story HERE and see the video of her remarks HERE.  Judy is in the documentary 'Crip Camp' available on Netflix.  We encourage you to check it out!
3.) Sharing the RA Experience!  When we signed up for a virtual convention, we knew we would be tied to our computer for a few days in a row and we knew we wouldn't be able to see our fellow delegates and friends in person.  What we might not have considered was the ability to share the RA experience with our family (both human and animal)!  Check out a few pictures of VEA delegates with honored guests!

Monann Davis & Ganddaughter 

Brandi Wilder & Son

Jeff Walker & Daisy kicked off the pet posts for the day!

Skippyjon's Human is Melissa Muszynski

Max's Human is Jro

Carla Okouchi & Her Feline Friend!

Meredith Humphrey's furry friend jumped up to listen to POTUS!

A virtual convention also allowed time for some other things to happen during lunch breaks! 

Phillip Hawkins volunteered at a food pantry organized by the American Legion Post 37.

Congratulations to Leah Kirk who was able to get a marriage license during break.

Reminders for Tomorrow:
  • Caucus Meeting @ 11:00 AM using the same link from today. Wear your District or Local colors!
  • NEA Fund:  Don't forget to visit the PAC room and donate to the NEA Fund for Children & Public Education.  You can also visit to donate.  
  • Join the NEA RA - Virginia Facebook Page.  If you do not have Facebook, please share your pictures with Jennifer Rokasky and forward any questions to Dominique Hubbard.
  • Check your email for the next issue of NEA's RA Today.  Here is a link to today's issue.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

July 1, 2021

 Day Two!

Day Two started right off with New Business Items and then Policy Statements.  We weren't without some technical difficulties and frustrations with debate being closed too early, but NEA President Becky Pringle calmly led us forward.  

A few highlights:

  • Today we wore our favorite Racial and Social Justice themed shirts. 

  • During the VEA Caucus, we heard from the Bylaws & Constitutional Amendments Committee, the Resolution Committee, and the Issues Committee.  Check out the VEA File Box for our adopted positions.  Our positions are also posted on the Facebook Page when the item is up for debate on the floor.
  • Today we heard from Stacey Abrams as well as NEA's Education Support Professional of the Year and Higher Educator of the Year.  We also spent the first hour of each business session on New Business Items (NBI).  You can keep up with NBIs here.

Your Blog Team's Top 3 Things from today:
1.) Special guest Stacey Abrams!  Stacey Abrams joined us today and talked about the importance of voting rights.  She shared information on some bills making their way through the Senate that need our support.  You can take action HERE! If you missed the speech or want to watch it again, here is the entire speech!
2.) Debate!  Quite a few times today debate was cut short by individuals calling to close debate too soon.  After awhile, more delegates started to vote against closing debate and even moved to suspend the rules to ensure debate occurred.  This seemed to discourage the closing of debate too soon and we finally got to hear different perspectives.  Let's hope that trend continues throughout the rest of the RA.
3.) Shoutouts for Virginia!  Both Stacey Abrams and Kim Anderson recognized Virginia in big ways during their speeches.  Stacey Abrams celebrated Virginia's recent legislation that works to expand voting rights while Kim Anderson, NEA's Executive Director, congratulated Virginia on passing collective bargaining legislation.

Reminders for Tomorrow:
  • Caucus Meeting @ 11:00 AM using the same link from today. Wear a black shirt or, if you have one, a black VEA polo.
  • NEA Fund:  Don't forget to visit the PAC room and donate to the NEA Fund for Children & Public Education.  You can also visit to donate.  You can also participate in the NEA RA Auction!
  • Join the NEA RA - Virginia Facebook Page.  If you do not have Facebook, please share your pictures with Jennifer Rokasky and forward any questions to Dominique Hubbard.
  • Check your email for the next issue of NEA's RA Today.  Here is a link to today's issue.

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

June 30, 2021

Day One!

It's day one of the 159th Annual Meeting of the NEA.  It is the first ever virtual representative assembly!  At VEA's caucus meeting, we heard from several of our committees 

A few highlights:

  • VEA celebrates #Red4Ed.  Sandy Sullivan from Loudoun showed up in style!

  • VEA remembers VEA Member Jonathon Kite.  We accessorized our red with crazy socks to remember and honor Jonathan.  Katie Bochert & Shaniqua Williams were the first to kick it off with a picture of their socks this morning!

  • VEA conducts business.  
    • The Issues Committee, led by Vice President Carol Bauer, shared positions on New Business Items through NBI 15.  As a caucus, we voted to accept the Issues Committee's recommendations.  These recommendations can be found in the VEA File Box.  The Issue Committee provides recommendations to help guide delegates.  If you do not agree with a position, please vote your conscience when voting.
      • If an NBI is amended during new business, VEA leadership will make a recommendation on the amendment.  This recommendation will be posted on the Facebook page.  As always, take this as guidance, listen to the debate, and vote your conscience.
    • The Candidate Screening Committee, led by Kimberly Adams, shared recommendations for the upcoming NEA Executive Committee elections.  The committee recommended Ronald 'Duff' Martin and Gladys Marquez.  We heard from all candidates and you can view their speeches on the NEA Delegate Resources webpage:
  • NEA conducts business.
    • After a beautiful rendition of the National Anthem and the Pledge of Allegiance, the first business session included remarks from NEA President Becky Pringle and NEA Vice President Princess Moss.  The second business session was devoted to New Business Items (NBI).  You can keep up with NBIs here.

Your Blog Teams Top 3 Things from today:
1.) NEA Becky Pringle's speech!  Very inspiring and gives all the feels.  Seriously, take 30 minutes and watch the entire speech!
2.) Our first time delegates! It was great to see so many new faces and some of them spoke on the convention floor! 
3.) After a non RA last year, it's great to have an RA this year.  Everyone's making it work virtually, so we can do the work of the NEA!  Did you know that the NEA RA is "The World’s Largest Democratic Deliberative Assembly." ?!

Reminders for Tomorrow:
  • Caucus Meeting @ 11:00 AM using the same link from today. Wear your favorite Racial or Social Justice themed t-shirt
  • NEA Fund:  Don't forget to visit the PAC room and donate to the NEA Fund for Children & Public Education.  You can also visit to donate.
  • Join the NEA RA - Virginia Facebook Page.  If you do not have Facebook, please share your pictures with Jennifer Rokasky and forward any questions to Dominique Hubbard.
  • Check your email for the next issue of NEA's RA Today.  Here is a link to today's issue .

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

NEA RA Virginia Delegation Pre-RA Caucus Meeting 6/7/2021

 The NEA Representative Assembly (RA) is almost here!  

On June 7th starting at 6 pm, VEA held it's first Pre-RA Caucus Meeting!  First a few orders of business: 

  • VEA President James Fedderman was elected to Chair the Caucus,
  • VEA Vice President Carol Bauer was elected to serve as Vice-Chair, and
  • Sonia Smith, of Chesterfield Education Association, was appointed Caucus Secretary. 
  • Adopted Polices and Procedures of for the Virginia Delegation for our caucus meeting

We were introduced to our NEA Directors:

  • Charlotte Hayer, our senior NEA RA Director from Richmond City
  • Christina Bohringer, our junior NEA RA Director from Alexandria
  • Gwendolyn Edwards, an NEA ESP Director At-Large from Prince William

NEA New Business Item (NBI) A was introduced to our caucus and we adopted a position of support.

Shout out to our Team Captains! These captains are responsible for various tasks including attending NEA Committees and reporting back to the caucus or fundraising or communicating (howdy ya'll!)
  • Constitution, Bylaws, and Rules: Christine Hawley from Staunton
  • NEA Resolutions: Chuck Ronco form Prince William
  • Candidate Interviews: Kimberly Adams from Fairfax
  • Issues Committee: Carol Bauer from York
  • Strategic Plan & Budget: Meg Gruber with VEA Retired
  • NEA Elections: Ethel Williams from Suffolks
  • Legislative Program: Clarence Collins from Spotsylvania
  • Virtual Fund Table: Steve Whitten from Mecklenburg
  • Communications Blog: Jennifer Rokasky from Prince William 

Fundraising for the NEA Fund - Virginia's Goal is $35,000 for the NEA Fund! This Fund works to elect public education champions!

Each delegate is encouraged to set up their PACtivist page! Go to  
VEA Delegates have the following goals:
  • FTE Delegates $200
  • ESP Delegates $100
  • VEA Board Members $350
Setting up a PACtivist page will help delegates meet their goal! They can email their colleagues and family members and ask them to join in supporting public education champions running for office. 

Check out the NEA Retired auction website! NEA Retired: NEA-Retired Auction | Powered By GiveSmart 

Items coming to your local's UniServ Office that will be distributed to delegates:
  • Stickers
  • VEA Bandana
  • A pin with the NEA Virtual Design
  • and first Time Delegates will receive a VEA Face Mask!

While we wait for NEA RA to start, check your wardrobe! On the following dates, VEA has an assigned shirt color:
  • June 30th: #Red4Ed 
  • July 1st: Social/Racial Justice Shirt
  • July 2nd: Black VEA Polo (don't have a VEA polo, wear a black shirt of your choice!)
  • July 3rd: Local Color Shirt

ON DECKTo register and receive Zoom access to this town hall, please select the event via your online delegate registration. Check your email registration from
  • June 30th: 8-9:30 pm 1st Virtual RA Delegate Tele-Townhall with President Becky Pringle
  • June 21st: 8-9:30 pm  2nd Virtual RA Delegate Tele-Townhall with President Becky Pringle