The VEA is proud of our Teacher of the Year, Afreen Goatee who is now among the top 5 teachers for NEA Teacher of the Year in the USA! Way to go Afreen. Our support is behind YOU! |
Carol Bauer was last year's Teacher of the Year for the VEA and was also selected as one of the top 5 in the nation. President Jim Livingston says we have ROCK STAR teachers in Virginia. |
Hanna Vaanderin, candidate for NEA Executive Committee explains her positions to the NEA delegation. |
Past VEA and NEA President Mary Futrell is on the floor. |
Amanda Blanchard explains the new positions flags which she made. Way to go, Amanda. |
Angela Dews shares the work of the Resolution Committee which she chairs. |
James Fedderman welcomes the first time NEA attendees. |
From NEA Today Online
At this year’s Annual Meeting and Representative Assembly, NEA delegates will gather in Boston, Mass., to vote on issues facing public education and to set the organization’s policies and priorities for the upcoming year.
The theme for this year’s meeting is “Uniting Our Members and the Nation for Strong Communities.” More than 7,500 educators are expected to participate in NEA’s 154th Annual Meeting and 95th Representative Assembly (RA) June 25–July 5 at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center.
Among the many business items to be voted on, the RA will consider a revised NEA policy statement on charter schools. Developed by a task force of nearly two dozen educators over the past year, the statement makes clear NEA’s support for public charter schools that are held accountable for their students’ success while decrying their privately managed, unaccountable counterparts. Delegates can learn more about the proposed statement during an open hearing on Saturday, July 1.
The Representative Assembly (RA) is the top decision-making body for the nearly 3 million-member National Education Association, where delegates adopt the strategic plan and budget, resolutions, the legislative program and other policies of the organization.
Read on for the rest of the story!