Goodbye, Boston. We loved you and all you had to offer.
But we are ready to go home and soar as we organize around civil rights, educational needs and the general well-being of every student.
Delegates speaking on NBIs during the VEA Delegation breakfast meeting |
Morning Caucus on the last day. Every morning they began at 8:30. |
Carol Medawar announces for NEA Director |
Charlotte Hayer announces for NEA Director. |
David Kinsella announces for NEA Director. |
Jim Livingston and James Fedderman announce for VEA President and Vice-President. |
The 2017 Issues Committee - the largest ever. |
Group picture of the VEA Delegation on the floor. |
Hysterical contest entrants |
Bill Bono poses with Historical Contest Winner, Carol Bauer |
On the floor took on new meaning with these three Delegates |
Rae Nwosu - Candidate for Executive Committee |
Jeannette Griffin-Kimber - Candidate for ESP at Large. |
VEA's special guest Below are NEA opening day pictures contributed by Precious Crabtree |
Campaigning for our own Princess Moss as she runs for her second term as secretary treasurer of the NEA |
The Greater Boston Firefighters Pipes and Drums |
This young poet from Maryland delivered a heartfelt poem that spoke to every educator's heart. |
The delegates are anxious to begin |
Ready to begin work |
District I representatives Kristina Childress, Connie Finney and Dorothy Carter |
Please re-elect Princess Moss |
Lily Eskelson Garcia, NEA President inspired us as she reminded us why we teach. |
Angela Dews (above), senior member, and the other members of the Resolution Committee (below), Miles Carey, Chuck Ronco, and Gwen Edwards, reporting to the VEA Caucus. |
Precious Crabtree, Junior NEA Director, collects change for PAC. |